It’s with mixed emotions we share that Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble is in the process of recruiting a new Executive Director. An eligibility list has been established from previous postings, and we are also accepting new applications. If you are interested, please see the job overview posted on our website, and send your application to executivedirector@ause.ca by July 12th.
While we are sad to see our current Executive Director go, we wish her all the best, and are excited for things to come! You can read more from Alix below:
“My time with AU/SE has been such a joy; the work of this organization is so critical, and I am blessed to have played a small part in it. My decision to leave was not an easy one, but one made with the intention of prioritizing my family and work-life balance. If only there were more hours in the day!
Working alongside the committed volunteers, partners, and Affirming Ministries across the country has been so rewarding, and I have loved witnessing God’s affirming love in action. While the work of being Public, Intentional, and Explicit continues, I know the future is bright, and I can’t wait to see what’s next for Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble!”
Thank you, Alix, for your contributions to the organization, and best wishes for the journeys to come!