Federal government to work on criminalizing “conversion therapy”: our support for this and other initiatives needed
In the spring of 2019 many in our movement were disappointed when the federal government (a Liberal majority) said that it could not ban conversion therapy through Health Canada. It cited health as a provincial jurisdiction. (What is “conversion” “therapy”? See this overview from CBC.)
Many turned to, or continued, working with their municipalities, provinces, and territories, asking them to follow MB and ON’s lead and outright ban this deeply harmful practice. As one example, in December Edmonton city council prepared to debate a ban within the city, as Alberta has not banned such “therapy” and indeed, more than a few in the province and its government support it.
Thank you to all, including many AUSE members, who are carrying this struggle forward. Special thanks to Gary Simpson in Edmonton for his research, advocacy, and advice.
In December 2019, the now-Liberal minority government said it would move to place conversion or reparative therapy in the Criminal Code, making the practice illegal and punishable.
As some in our Affirming movement reminded us, we need
to speak out in support of this, although we also need to be aware that the
proposal has some problems and limits. For example, the proposed Criminal Code
amendment would only apply to minors, and this may be the only way such an
amendment would be permitted under the Charter.
Whatever the advocacy options, whether national or local, we know that our
advocacy and education efforts are important and much-needed. We must continue to advocate for regional and
local responses, like
the one currently before Calgary’s council. And we need to make it clear to
our faith communities that conversion therapy is alive and in practice across
Canada to this day.
Yet the federal government’s proposal is one promising step forward. And the
mostly Christian groups who support this abusive practice will be sure to be in
loud opposition. Please read up on the government’s plans, and then if you are
so moved, contact your Member of Parliament, no matter their party, and briefly express your
support for this measure and your opposition to so-called conversion therapy.
If you identify as a church member or Christian, also make that clear to your
MP. Consider asking your community of faith, congregation, or parish to write
such a letter.
If you’re a United Church member, remember that your Regional Council is one
place to advocate, and that proposals for advocacy initiatives is an important
way to move church policy or motivate action. Such proposals should be consider
now for regional gatherings in May and June.
We need an end to this Christian-justified, cissexist, heterosexist abuse. Please
add your voice where you can.
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