We have arrived at a season of waiting and anticipation. It is a time to remember that even as we feel the bleakness and exhaustion from waiting, we restore our faith by remaining grounded in hope, peace, love, and joy. As Christians, we symbolize Advent with the colour of the sky during the small hours of the night before dawn breaks. This twilight blue speaks to our hope and longing for a world with Christ’s peace. As we prepare our hearts for the Christ child to be born, we want to thank you for your efforts in creating communities of faith where Jesus’ radical hospitality is lived out.
We are thrilled to share with you that in November we welcomed a current Council member, Katie Vardy, into their new role as co-chair within our organization. Katie is a candidate for ordained ministry hailing from St. John’s, Newfoundland. They are very passionate about intersectional feminism and Jesus, along with a deep love for their four pups (Jack, Sally, Macie, and Capri) and mental health advocacy.
May hope be the lens that shows you the beauty and strength of resilience in our communities.
May you be baptized in the waters of peace that keep you strong and soft enough to face all challenges
May your Love be celebrated
and may Joy be the gift that transcends all of our fears this Advent season.
Michiko Bown-Kai and Katie Vardy