Affirm United / S’affirmer Ensemble Virtual Summer Conference & AGM July 25th & 26th

You are invited to attend our first Virtual Summer Conference on:

Saturday July 25th, 2020 for the Annual General Meeting from 2:00-4:00pm EST on Zoom:

Meeting ID: 990 4619 7435
Password: 298112

The room will be opened at 1:30pm-2:00pm: Welcoming and Passing the Peace 

Join us early to greet one another and make sure your tech is working before our AGM. 

Members and adherents are welcome to join us for our Annual AGM. If you would like to become a member of Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble click here. The agenda for the AGM will be made available online prior to the meeting. We look forward to sharing and celebrating the many accomplishments of Affirming Ministries over the past year!

And then, join us on Sunday July 26th, 2020 for Welcome & Coffee time from 11:30am-12:00pm EST followed by Worship from 12:00pm-1:00pm EST on Zoom:

Meeting ID: 984 9194 8132
Password: 864965

All are welcome to join us for worship! Feel free to sign on early for a “bring your own drink” coffee hour.

Hosted by: Rev. Emma Pipes and Aaron Miechkota

Phone in:

Canada (dial the number in your area code or use the Toll Free number below):

+1 778 907 2071
+1 204 272 7920
+1 438 809 7799
+1 587 328 1099
+1 647 374 4685
+1 647 558 0588

Toll Free:

+1 855 703 8985