We are One, We are Many:
A Celebration of the Affirming Designations of Antler River Watershed, Horseshoe Falls, and Western Ontario Waterways Regional Councils
Save the Date!
All are welcome to join virtually via Zoom.
Sunday June 6th, 2-3 pm (EDT) to celebrate!
Guest Preacher: Rev. Michiko Bown-Kai
Featuring the music of David Kai, and the Rainbow Chorus
Bring a candle (real…or not!) to help light the Christ Candle together!
For more information, please contact:
dmatheson@united-church.ca or tsamuel@united-church.ca
Send congratulations to:
Antler River Watershed: arwrc@united-church.ca
Horseshoe Falls: hfrc@united-church.ca
Western Ontario Waterways: wowrc@united-church.ca