AUSE thanks Meewasin Valley United Church for their legacy donation


A group of about 20 people receiving their Affirming certificate.
The people of Meewasin Valley UC receiving their certificate at their April 2016 Affirming celebration.

AUSE is deeply humbled and grateful to have received a generous legacy donation from Meewasin Valley United Church, an Affirming ministry in Saskatoon. Thank you to the community of Meewasin Valley United Church for thinking of Affirm United as you journey towards closure. We are honoured that you have blessed us with this opportunity to live out part of your legacy in the areas of education and social justice. We at Affirm United are inspired by Meewasin Valley’s support, which has shown us that there are many ways in which a community of faith can live out a commitment to being an Affirming ministry. (Photo: the people of Meewasin Valley UC receiving their certificate at their April 2016 Affirming celebration.)