As part of our Public, Intentional and Explicit commitment, Affirm United / S’affirmer Ensemble along with Affirming Connections are pleased to announce this special P.I.E. gathering … an Affirming Refresher presented by Affirming Coordinator Linda Hutchinson!
We’ll talk about these areas to add sparkle:
- Your Vision Statement
- Your Marriage Policy
- Your Action Plan . . . Do you have one? Does it need updating? Are you engaging with the wider community?
- Your relationship with building users, renters
- Your language – Pronouns, Microaggressions
- Broadening your scope . . . the call of all people who are marginalized
Bring your stories and your questions!
Presenter Bio – Linda Hutchinson
Linda, a United Church member by birth and by choice, has worked/volunteered at all levels of The United Church of Canada with children, youth and adults, mainly in the areas of Resource Ministry and Affirm United’s Affirming Ministries Program. She is a member of Sydenham Street United Church in downtown Kingston, ON, an Affirming Ministry since 1999, was a member of the Bay of Quinte Conference Affirming Ministries Action Group from its formation in 2007 to 2018 when UCC restructured, and has been a Coordinator of Affirm United’s Affirming Ministry Program since 2012. Linda and her spouse, Bruce, have two adult children and four grandchildren.
Register today …