From Munns United Church in Oakville, Ontario who has begun the Affirming educational program and process with AU/SE, a hopeful message reflective of our time now. Credit: Amanda Blake

Affirm United/ S’affirmer Ensemble has hundreds of Affirming ministries across Canada, with many more in process all the time. Have a look through this page and be inspired. And if these stories make you wonder about becoming Affirming, get in touch through the Affirming Ministry Coordinators. (See our Contact page).
Affirming ministries: We want your stories and photos! Tell us how you’re being Affirming; we want you to help others see the incredible and exciting range of work you offer. Get in touch with the Communications Coordinator and we’ll take it from there. (See our Contact page).
From Munns United Church in Oakville, Ontario who has begun the Affirming educational program and process with AU/SE, a hopeful message reflective of our time now. Credit: Amanda Blake
101 6th Street SE Medicine Hat AB T1A 1G7
All are welcome to a celebration of becoming an Affirming Ministry for Westminster United Church.
Date: Sunday June 27, 2021
Time: Service available anytime after 9 am MDT
Location: Westminster UC Medicine Hat Facebook page and the website as a prerecorded service
Phone: (403) 526-5247
Email for sending congratulations (church office):
Please send a note of congratulations to the entire faith community of Westminster United Church through this private form:
479 Upper Paradise Road, Hamilton ON L9C 5E2
All are welcome to a celebration of becoming an Affirming Ministry for St. Andrew’s United Church on Sunday June 13, 2021
Time: 10:30 am (EDT)
Location: YouTube accessed through the website
Phone: (905) 383-7411
Church Email for sending congratulations:
Please send a note of congratulations to the entire faith community of St. Andrew’s United Church through this private form:
Address: 316 Hamilton Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2Y 2H5
All are welcome to a celebration of becoming an Affirming Ministry for Crestview United Church on Sunday June 6 at 10:30 a.m. CDT
Location: via YouTube
Information link for celebration can be found on our Facebook page or by calling the church at (204) 832-0475 or emailing the church at
Phone: (204) 832-0475
Please send a note of congratulations to the faith entire community of Crestview United Church through this private form:
Email for sending congratulations
All are welcome to join virtually via Zoom.
Sunday June 6th, 2-3 pm (EDT) to celebrate!
Guest Preacher: Rev. Michiko Bown-Kai
Featuring the music of David Kai, and the Rainbow Chorus
Bring a candle (real…or not!) to help light the Christ Candle together!
For more information, please contact: or
Send congratulations to:
Antler River Watershed:
Horseshoe Falls:
Western Ontario Waterways: