Hiring Announcement!!

AU/SE is thrilled to share about our new Executive Director….Please join us in welcoming Ruth Noble! 

Ruth Noble (she/they) is thrilled to be called to this position at Affirm United. Ruth has been in The United Church of Canada since birth. She followed in her father’s footsteps and became a minister 26 years ago. She worked at Head Office of The United Church of Canada, telling the stories of Mission & Service in print, video, photo and social media. Over their time in ministry, Ruth has helped three congregations become affirming. Ruth also spends time writing Queer historical fiction as well as blogging, and she is in the process of creating a podcast called “The Historical Deviant.” Ruth has volunteered with Pride Toronto in Family Pride performing puppet shows in drag, and at Inside Out LGBTQ+ Film Festival in Toronto. Ruth is blessed with a wonderful supportive chosen family! 

Ruth brings a wealth of affirming experience, and we can’t wait to see where they takes the organization. Please help us make Ruth feel welcome, and help support her as she transitions into this new role. Ruth will be starting her work with AU/SE on August 1st, and if you wish to contact her, you can do so then at executivedirector@ause.ca

It’s with mixed emotions we share that Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble is in the process of recruiting a new Executive Director. An eligibility list has been established from previous postings, and we are also accepting new applications. If you are interested, please see the job overview posted on our website, and send your application to executivedirector@ause.ca by July 12th. 

While we are sad to see our current Executive Director go, we wish her all the best, and are excited for things to come! You can read more from Alix below:

“My time with AU/SE has been such a joy; the work of this organization is so critical, and I am blessed to have played a small part in it. My decision to leave was not an easy one, but one made with the intention of prioritizing my family and work-life balance. If only there were more hours in the day!

Working alongside the committed volunteers, partners,  and Affirming Ministries across the country has been so rewarding, and I have loved witnessing God’s affirming love in action. While the work of being Public, Intentional, and Explicit continues, I know the future is bright, and I can’t wait to see what’s next for Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble!”

Thank you, Alix, for your contributions to the organization, and best wishes for the journeys to come!

Virtual Summer Conference 2021! AGM and Worship!

Saturday July 24th and Sunday July 25th 2021

Greetings Friends,

Tomorrow morning we begin our 2021 Annual Meeting Weekend Online! Here is the link to your weekend itinerary (Make sure to look for individual links, ie. “Morning Gathering” has its own link, ID/password).

This itinerary below will guide you through our weekend together!

WEEKEND ITINERARY:https://docs.google.com/…/1E1AblrL5sAj7LGTEIGQc…/edit…

Please submit any questions to: communications@ause.ca.

Members register now for your vote at the Annual General Meeting at 2:00PM- 4:00PM (EDT) (guests welcome to join the discussion)

https://zoom.us/…/tJ0pdeuvrTouH9RI4yCm_4cqnRnNkLOqqHA1Want to be a member? Learn more!https://affirmunited.ause.ca/membership/

Affirming Ministry Celebrations are planned for Westminster United in Medicine Hat, Alberta!

Westminster United Church – Medicine Hat, Alberta

Affirming celebration for Westminster United Church

101 6th Street SE  Medicine Hat  AB  T1A 1G7

All are welcome to a celebration of becoming an Affirming Ministry for Westminster United Church. 

Date: Sunday June 27, 2021

Time:   Service available anytime after 9 am MDT

Location:    Westminster UC Medicine Hat Facebook page and the website as a prerecorded service

Website:     https://westminsteruc.com/

Phone: (403) 526-5247

Email for sending congratulations (church office):   reception@westminsteruc.com

Please send a note of congratulations to the entire faith community of Westminster United Church through this private form:

Congratulations St. Andrew’s United Church in Hamilton, Ontario on becoming an Affirming Ministry!

St. Andrew’s United Church, Hamilton, Ontario

Affirming celebration for St. Andrew’s United Church!

479 Upper Paradise Road, Hamilton ON L9C 5E2

All are welcome to a celebration of becoming an Affirming Ministry for St. Andrew’s United Church on Sunday June 13, 2021 

Time:  10:30 am (EDT)

Location:  YouTube accessed through the website

Website:   https://standrewsunitedhamilton.ca/

Phone: (905) 383-7411

Church Email for sending congratulations:  standrewshamilton@hotmail.com

Please send a note of congratulations to the entire faith community of St. Andrew’s United Church through this private form:

Congratulations to Harmony United in Saint John, New Brunswick on their Affirming Ministry!

Harmony United Church – Saint John, New Brunswick

All are welcome to a celebration of becoming an Affirming Ministry for Harmony United Church!

Harmony United Church
8 Upland Road
Saint John  NB  E2H 2W5

Sunday June 13, 2021 at Time 9:45am (ADT)

Location: Harmony United Church – In person worship (limited due to COVID restrictions) and Live on our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQvBdt7C56la9INBKOtvSPQ

Website:   https://www.harmonyunitedchurch.ca/

Phone:  506-696-3773

Email for sending congratulations  harmonyunitedchurch@gmail.com

Please send a note of congratulations to the entire faith community of Harmony United Church through this private form:           

It’s Pride Month!

What do you have planned for Pride Month!? Let us know! We’ve got TEN New Affirming Ministry Celebrations planned for this month across Canada from Nova Scotia to British Columbia!