PIE Day 2024 is fast approaching!

The theme for 2024 is: PIE in the Public Square. Why PIE? PIE = Public. Intentional. Explicit. Those are the standards we hold ourselves and our welcome to when we seek to live into being Affirming, Welcoming, or Inclusive people and communities.

Check out our pieday.ca website and our google folder for planning ideas, how-to’s, graphics, videos, worship service templates, and more!

Panel: Living out PIE in the Public Square

Thursday, February 15

4pm PST / 5pm MST / 7pm EST

We’re inviting three dynamic faith leaders to reflect on what the 2024 PIE Day theme means to them!

P.I.E. Parade for 2021

All across Canada faith communities gathered together either virtually or safely physically distanced and celebrated P.I.E. Day 2021.

P.I.E. is a special day on or around March 14th each year that we can remind ourselves of the commitment we have have made to be Public, Intentional and Explicit in our welcome to 2SLGBTQIA+ folk of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

Here are some of the highlights in song, photos, videos and some incredible fundraising efforts.

Thank you to everyone who participated and continues to enjoy P.I.E. everyday!!!

An Affirming Celebration in Pictures for Hinton United Church in Alberta!

Shining Waters Region Council celebrates being the first Regional Council to have permanent Affirming status!

David Hall of Silver Spire United Church and AU/SE Council member:

Happy P.I.E. Day from Grosvenor Park United Church

Photo Parade of P.I.E. Day 2021 Moments:

A P.I.E. inspired Song!

Here is a song written just days ago and his process, by John Oldham, songwriter (shared with permission):


( An Affirming Song of Inclusion and Acceptance)

We are Covenant people , sharing both our joy and grief.

We welcome ev’ry person who ongs for peace and relief.

As we “affirm” each other with our varied gender, views (and our sexuality)

we witness to the wonder – it is loving that renews. (of our shared humanity.)

(we’re created to be free.)

Everyone is holy, of great value, beauty, worth,

all precious, blessed and treasured and right from their sacred birth.

Diversity enriches and variety declares

we are all one family as both peace and love are shared/

We are a community called to reach out and embrace

another on life’s journey who is blessed with gift of grace.

Together let us venture on in solidarity

as we work hard for justice and for truth and liberty/harmony.

Song notes:

Honoring Ronan, Spencer, niece Justine, nephew Robert, and…..

John Wesley Oldham; # 8899; Sun, March 14, 2021; Verses1,2 -Journal entry during 10 a.m. zoom Affirming worship; I noticed the word ‘Covenant’ on the screen at the beginning of worship. Opening comments by minister Dawn evoked the lines, 2,3,4 of verse one. The first two lines of verse two were written during the video in which I heard the words “everyone is holy” and “blessed.” During the story read by Richard the last two lines of verse two came through.

Verse 3 was written at 3.10-3.11 p.m. direct to computer screen while on a break from tidying the house and watching curling. I had heard Darlene in our discussion time say that our our church is “a community that embraces us all.”

The metre is 14 14 14 14 or 7777D The melody is like an olde English folk song. Sung with the Eagle Drum.

Word changes at about 10 p.m. while watching men’s curling…

Congratulations to Shining Waters the first Regional Council to become an Affirming Ministry!

Shining Waters Regional Council Office, Toronto, ON

An Affirming celebration is planned for Shining Waters Regional Council

963 Pharmacy Avenue  Toronto ON M1R 2G5

This Sunday March 14, 2021

All are welcome to a celebration of becoming an Affirming Ministry for Shining Waters Regional Council on Sunday March 14, 2021    

Time: 2 pm


Livestream on YouTube:  https://youtu.be/euKAge7bYfc

Website:          https://shiningwatersregionalcouncil.ca/

Phone 1-800-268-4729  Ext. 6262

Please join us in sending your congratulations to Shining Waters Regional Council at this email address swrc@united-church.ca or use the private form below:      

NEW! Resources from: Adding Sparkle to Your Rainbow Webinar

Thank you for participating, your interest or registering for our webinar event:

Adding Sparkle to Your Rainbow: Refreshing Your Affirming Culture and Commitment

We hope you found the time we spent together informative and inspiring.

We want to hear your feedback so we can keep improving our logistics and content. Please fill out this quick survey and let us know your thoughts (your answers can be anonymous).

Click here to access feedback form now:


Webinar Video with Facilitator Linda Hutchinson:

Webinar Slide Show Presentation:


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