2SLGBTQIA+ Support Groups in Canada and beyond

In crisis? Please, ask for help: It Gets Better help page. And the LGBT youth crisis line toll free: 1-800-268-9688

Here we list national faith, advocacy and education organizations. Thanks to years of community effort, many provinces, territories. and communities now have Pride societies and excellent LGBTQIA+ programs. Please search for or ask about your own community’s resources. And don’t forget that you can contact any Affirming ministry for support: check out the United Church’s national map and search “Affirming ministries” by location or use our lists.

Faith-based LGBTQIA+ and Two Spirit groups

Muslim: Salaam Canada
Roman Catholics – Dignity Canada Dignité
Welcoming Congregations (Unitarians) 
Proud Anglicans (Canada)
Generous Space ministries (Canadian, ecumenical)

B/M Council (Brethren/Mennonite)
Open & Affirming Ministries (Disciples of Christ, USA)
Reconciling Ministries Network (United Methodist, US
Open and Affirming Program (United Church of Christ, USA)
Reconciling in Christ Program (Lutheran, USA)
More Light Presbyterians (Presbyterian, USA)
Welcoming & Affirming Baptists (American Baptists Concerned, USA)
Institute for Welcoming Resources Welcoming Ministry Programs

National groups: education and advocacy

Amnesty International Canada LGBTQ section
Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity
Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives
Egale Canada
Fierté Canada Pride (National Organization of Pride Festivals)
PFLAG Canada (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)
Rainbow Railroad: support and sponsorship advocacy for LGBTQI refugees