Thank you for participating, your interest or registering for our webinar event:
Adding Sparkle to Your Rainbow: Refreshing Your Affirming Culture and Commitment
We hope you found the time we spent together informative and inspiring.
We want to hear your feedback so we can keep improving our logistics and content. Please fill out this quick survey and let us know your thoughts (your answers can be anonymous).
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Webinar Video with Facilitator Linda Hutchinson:
Webinar Slide Show Presentation:
Adding-Sparkle-to-your-RainbowMKPFeb2021Facilities User and Group Covenant – Trinity United Church, Cannington, ON
Local Community Story with Chris Dolson of Kamloops United Church, BC
chrisdolsonfeb252021kamloopsBeyond Local Community Story with Carol Smiley of Royal York United Church, Toronto, ON
AUSE-February-2021-Long-version-2CarolSmileyRoyalYorkNew Revised Edition of Open Hearts
Open-Hearts-AUSE_Final_May192020Additional Helpful Links
2021-February-AUSE-ResourcesSponsored by Affirm United / S’affirmer Ensemble and Affirming Connections