On behalf of our membership and the Canada-wide network of Affirming ministries, the Council of Affirm United/ S’affirmer Ensemble expresses its deep sorrow regarding the events of this weekend that have targeted our Muslim siblings. We stand in solidarity with our queer and trans Muslim siblings and all Muslim communities. We mourn the dead, pray for their families and the injured, and commit to speaking and acting against Islamophobia and other forms of racist scapegoating and stereotyping.
As LGBTTQQIA+ and Two Spirit communities, we have experienced too often the kind of divisive, violent hate exemplified by the terrorist attack in Ste-Foy. We know far too much about hate. Ee believe that we all share in the responsibility to act against hate of any kind.
We are thankful for the many faith communities and community groups who have already organized both vigils and demonstrations, and encourage all Affirming ministries to open their hearts and doors to all who want an end to Islamophobia.
We join with those who have written to the federal government to ask for immediate, meaningful Canadian support for refugees and migrants. We join them in calling for an increase in the number of refugees permitted entry to Canada. We call for an end to the Safe Third Country Agreement with the United States, echoing the original call made by churches and advocates in 2004. A United Church action is available here.