Open Hearts resource overview

Open Hearts is our main resource for ministries in the formal Affirming journey. It’s also a good resource for Affirming ministries who want to continue to explore and engage the sometimes difficult journey of being Affirming over the long haul. While it uses a lot of United Church language, we welcome any tradition who wants to use it, and hope it will be helpful to your journey. It was created by Alyson C. Huntley in conjunction with the Affirming Ministries Program Coordinators.  The table of contents is provided below to give you a taste and an overview.  You’re encouraged to explore, and to choose what you need!

Please click here to open the full document as a PDF. 

Open Hearts AUSE_Final_May192020

You can also find a Korean translation of Open Hearts here,
Translated by Korean Rainbow United:최종-Open-Hearts-열린-마음_10062023.pdf