Rainbow products by Applewicks – L’Arche Homefires

RainbowCandles1Looking for Rainbow products such as candles, stoles, table runners, hats, or a tea cozy? Applewicks was founded by L’Arche Homefires in 1990 in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. They offer weavings, candles, sewing and paintings.  To learn more about them please check out their website at: https://www.facebook.com/Applewicks-LArche-Homefires-165367393048/

StolesandTableRunnersTo see pictures of their many products, we invite you to visit their Facebook page and in particular their Rainbow Products page on Facebook.

To place an order, visit their Facebook page (as of January 2017). Or contact them at: Applewicks, A L’Arche Homefires Workshop
10 Gaspereau Avenue, Wolfville, NS, B4P 2C2
Phone 902-542-9771,Fax 902-542-7686




