Hillhurst United Church is an Affirming ministry in Calgary, AB, and in March 2017 they partnered with Affirm United/ S’affirmer Ensemble to hold a weekend event focused on supporting queer couples and relationships. If this model interests you, get in touch with us; we have funds to support other events!

Pam Rocker, Hillhurst’s Affirming and Creative Coordinator, says, “We were honoured to host the first Queer Couples Weekend at Hillhurst. Fifteen couples from Calgary, Red Deer, Lethbridge, and Edmonton joined together for three days of relationship building, fun, connecting, and great food.
Our facilitator, Brian Mitchell-Walker, brought his extensive life experience, education, knowledge of the Enneagram, and relationship tools, and was an inspiring leader for our time together. We heard over and over again from the couples that this weekend was the first time they’ve been able to meet other LGBTQ couples in a safe setting, where all relationships were sacred and respected.
We hope to do this event again next year and it reminded us of the power of community and knowing you are not alone. Thanks to Affirm United for their generous sponsorship!”
Participants said of the weekend:
“This type of weekend is extremely valuable for any couple, but for me as a queer person, perhaps even more so as it is difficult to find safe places where we can grow as a couple.”
“It was an incredibly safe space and it’s meaningful to just have the space and not have to explain yourself.”
“I think it will help us continue for another 25 years!”
“Brian’s workshop offered a safe space to be vulnerable and to examine myself personally with the empowerment to grow.”
“It was great to connect to other LGBTQ couples and identify similarities in stories and experiences.”
“We connected! Brought us to a deeper place of understanding and respect for each other’s wants and needs.”
“I would recommend this workshop in a heartbeat! This has been a fantastic experience, it has opened up our relationship to new possibilities.”
“It was so great and affirming to learn and see other couples going through similar things and being joyful.”