We want you to SHOW US YOUR PRIDE!
If your Affirming Ministry is celebrating this month, or if you’ve held events this past year and have pictures and videos to share, we want to see them! We want to share together in this time of celebration, and challenge hateful rhetoric. The pictures and videos sent along by our Affirming Ministries will be included in a video to be shared at our Annual General Meeting and beyond, so we can celebrate the joy and success of each ministry’s pride.
These images may be shared by Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble on social media and beyond, so please be cognizant when selecting which images to send us and ensure you have permission for those pictured. Pictures and short videos can be sent to executivedirector@ause.ca
While the deadline to have your images included in the AGM video is July 7, feel free to keep sending them after that. Big or small, we want to see your pride this month, and always!